Sunday, December 14, 2008

Sylvavnas (nerdom at its hight)

So I'm glad that along with the new patch they changed sylvanas' model to a blood Elf instead of a night elf, It was always weird for me when I first started, because originally I had thougth Sylvanas was a night elf due to her facial markings and such, but now she looks like she should and all is well, I still think that they should have changed it with the release of BC, but whatever I'm not going to complain.

_The Reason for this post was to announce that I'm going to make a sylvanas costume, although I may end up settling for an undead rogue, I'm not sure though. I still have to get a job which will fund this project, so there is no contract as to what I am doing. I would love to make my blood elf rogue costume, but everyone does a blood elf.... So the only way on this planet I would dress as a BE is if I was sylvanas, I was thinking as going as a Night Elf, but thats way too complicated and I am not nearly tall enough to pull that off, although the rest of my body type fits it, I'll probably just end up going undead... I'm just day dreaming here:

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