Saturday, December 20, 2008


Ohbeast! (venting)

I think that there may in fact be something incredibly wrong with me.. I look in the mirror on a daily basis and I become incredibly depressed. Mainly because i think all of my friends are liars. People say that I am incredibly skinny but its not really true at all, I have huge thighs and I may as well not even have ankles. I weigh around 107, I know this may sound bad but this is the most i have weighed in a very long time. Maybe it is just me, but when I came home today my sister looked at me and said "oh god your thighs look huge in those pants!" I need to start working out over this break, and I probably will, because I know this may sound really bad but looking back at everything I honestly do believe that I am out of shape, and I have some major fat I could lose, weight does not anger me so much but it would be nice to be under 100 lbs.

On another notes of looks and fashion, I hate it when people say that I am one of the most prettiest people that they know, because your lying and its obvious. I could point out a billion things wrong with me and at best I am above average on the looks scale, but just barley. I feel that I may have certain aspects that appeal to certain individuals more but it can not be looks, I don't care what anyone says because i know that I do not look great, and i don't care I just wish that people would stop shoving this bullshit down my face when its obvious to everyone that they are full of shit.

Anyways overall I am angry at how lazy I have been, I need to start doing things with my life and become responsible, I need to get a job.

20/12/08 22:54

1 comment:

bipolarpanda said...

This blog makes me sad :(
Mainly because i know your beautiful and DUDE you are so not what you see in the mirror. I know how that feeling goes and you just have to tell yourself that you ARE beautiful no matter what your brain tells you. heh

i think your pretty & wicked skinny.

& your sister is SOOOO wrong for saying that dude.