Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Red Rabbits number two put off until friday

I know That there was supposed to be a whole Red Rabbits story this week and I have been working on it; however I have had so much going on lately (x-mas presents, other writings, working on character development, wow... I know that one is awful, and my duties as a social human being) that I have not really bee able to come up with something great and fantastic like I promised to the seven people that actually read this. So i will give you what I have worked on Details about this world I have created to fill in some gaps. I did actually write it but after reading it I realized it was not the master piece I promised, it was just boring. If you really want it I'll mail it to you but it's too sad to post. Also I am getting photoshop tonight so I can upload my drawings. So expect it to be posted either Friday or worse comes to worse over the weekend but defiantly before next Tuesday, you have my word.

Happy Holiday's

A Number Between One and Ten

A Number Between One and Ten

I hate that game,
I hate that you HAVE to guess 1 through 10
I have always chosen 8, because it usually wins
I despise how nostalgic everyone thinks it is
I sit here and think
"can't we just flip a coin?
Draw straws?
Do we HAVE to pick numbers?"
We HAVE t pick numbers though
it's so inhuman it really is
how sad that we are defined by numbers
that's all you are
"Number 4 is not close enough to the one I was thinking"
Sorry neither was 6
"9, 10"
"it was 2 so andy you get to go first"
That always irritated me
How the number you chose was always wrong
I hate that game
Since when did life become so simple
that 1 through 10 could solve all of our problems
we don't have to make decisions
just choose a number
its just a number, don't be rash
I'll be rash if i want to!
Why do we have to teach our young to be indecisive
Isn't that how the world gets into trouble
because no one can make a decision?
Unfortunately the world is not nostalgic enough
to use the 1 through 10 system
instead we do this:
"should we send 1 million soldiers or 10?"
"Why don't we just pick a number between 1 and 10"
"there lives don't matter, they are pawns"
we are all pawns...
all because no one can make the right decisions
at the right time.
I hate that game
But we all do it, don't we?
we all play that over bearing game every day.
I like flipping coins
because the number only goes up to 2
that's better.
two is better than ten

22/12/08 23:56

Monday, December 22, 2008

Cat poop

Cat poop--
We have this potted plant in my house and we have two cats: Summer (14 years my Mom's cat) and Jill (1 year, my cat). My mother complains about Jill so much, She rants and raves because Jill is slightly retarded. I always tell her that it's not jill's fault that she is slow (The vet actually told me my cat's "brain is lame"), she just has different needs and can't be left alone around cloth (she eats it). On another note last christmas, before I knew about Jill's problem, I had left her in the room with all of my x -mas clothing when I came back she had eaten over 300$ worth.
Tonight as my mom was discussing the fact that its not normal for my cat to run around in circles and hit her head, she smelled something, something rotten. She turned to me and said "have you checked the litter box? Your cat always leave really stinky poop." I groaned and walked down the hall, there was nothing there. i returned to find her horrified standing next to the plant in the dining room. "Look at this Erryn, look at this now!" I stood next to her and looked into the pot, it was filled with cat excrement. I looked at her and laughed, a little over the top. She glared at me and snarled she knew that it was not my cat deep down, because my cat loves litter boxes and she will wait until she is let inside just so she can use one, Where summer never seems to use it, and usually goes outside, or so we had thought. I looked at my mom with what may have been the biggest grin I had had in a very long time and said "Who has the stupid cat now?"

She had to empty the whole pot, and it made me happy.

22/12/08 19:15


Today, I'm going to try to get some stuff done, and unfortunately I feel rather helpless, I'm downloading photoshop for mac right now, then I can scan my illustrations in there, and then you can all see my red rabbit concept stuff. It should all go well, and hopefully I can get that second one posted, anyways the only reason why any of you read these is because you are looking for humor. Here you go:

IKEA::: and why they think children are house pets.

I was in IKEA yesterday looking for Christmas presents and with some help from ikea hacker, I came up with some pretty rad ideas. While I was passing through the display area I came across the little kid area, now at first it is important to know that I was not aware that I was in the kid's area. I looked around and saw the little play places, I looked at my mom and said "those are some pretty elaborate little cat and dog houses huh?" My mom was in a little bit of shock when she turned and said "I'm tired of you being so damn cynical all the time, why do you continue to call children little beasts and animals? you were once one" I stared at her a little lost at first, and said "I love kids, I hate babies... there is a difference, and I thought those were dog and cat houses do they not look like dog and cat houses?" this is what I saw (I am aware the images are small, I want them to be)

Now excuse me if I'm wrong in saying this, but I have these tents and tunnels for my cat... please tell me if you can't imagine a little kitty playing around in one of those, but they were for children! I had thought at first that I was in the pet section not only because of those "play houses" but because I was certain that the child stuffed animals were chew toys (again I am aware that the pictures are small)

So after that horrible mess I we went on to get lights, I got one for my cousin, and I discovered that the lamp that I had chosen looked like psoriasis, (to my mistake I had by accident said syphilis, which led to a whole other discussion but that's not the point) so I then decided it would be out of the question to give that to her, no matter how emo she may be.

it's called snowflake, but up close in the store it really look nasty...
So i returned it for one that had twigs, I didn't really like it but whatever.

I have decided that ikea hack is awesome and ikea is not all it's lived up to be.
Also I got a a white mouse pad which now looks nothing like the original. The best thing i took away from this trip however was an argument this lady started near the exit. There was this woman with two of her children, one was a six year old boy and the other was a seven year old girl(I'm guessing). The boy was pushing the cart, but was lingering a bit because the Mom was standing waiting for the husband. There are two groups of people behind them trying to maneuver around the boy, they were not upset or impatient though, and I'm sure if the boy knew they were there he would have kindly moved. The mother looks at the child and starts to yell quite profoundly. "Move Now! can't you see they want you to move?!!" The boy became flustered and didn't quite know what to do with himself, so he did what any 6 year old would do in this situation, froze. "I knew you couldn't handle this responsibility, didn't I warn you, DIDN'T I?!!!" I'm sitting there thinking oh geese what a crazy woman... "Now move away so these people can get through!" she turned to the individuals behind her who were rather uncomfortable, for it wasn't that big of a deal "I'm so sorry about him, you know kids" Total mood change, a complete 180 she went from psycho mom to leave it to beaver in about .5 seconds. She then turned to the girl and made another 180 back to psycho.. "Take the cart away from him and put it back I knew you two could not have been responsible enough to take control of this, grow up!"

I was floored... Grow up? he was six and confused... Gris are crazy, and I am never going to be that kind of parent, if I decide to have kids which I dont think I will