Saturday, November 8, 2008

My Camera

For the past three weeks I have ben staring at my once awesome camera and all it keeps flashing is "LENS ERROR: 122,1,0,0" the camera lens is permanently in the outward position and it won't take pictures anymore. I love technology especially when it does stuff like this. It makes me happy to be a consumer. I'm looking at new cameras right now and deciding if its just worth it to discard this one and get a new one. I'm not sure though its a pretty slick model 8.2 mega pixels so I'm hesitant to just throw it out. I need to figure out the cost of the repair vs the cost of a new camera... more importantly both of these require money which requires a source of income which I currently don't have....
 so I'm going to go job hunting seriously on monday. I hate my life I really don't want to get a job.

What Am I Doing?

Well where do I start???

A couple of people have asked me to start one up and well I'm a sucker peer pressure that isn't against the law. basically this is how its going to work:
-I'm going to either buy a new camera or get my old one fixed and start taking pictures of all the strange and fantastic things that happen to me on a basis
-I'm going to start my blog it might be image based like cwc but I haven't made any sure decisions yet.

This will help me fix my current lack of writing skill and may even be entertaining to some of you
Lets see if my little project will be a success or a failure!

I'm excited for this development and hopefully you are too!