Saturday, November 8, 2008

My Camera

For the past three weeks I have ben staring at my once awesome camera and all it keeps flashing is "LENS ERROR: 122,1,0,0" the camera lens is permanently in the outward position and it won't take pictures anymore. I love technology especially when it does stuff like this. It makes me happy to be a consumer. I'm looking at new cameras right now and deciding if its just worth it to discard this one and get a new one. I'm not sure though its a pretty slick model 8.2 mega pixels so I'm hesitant to just throw it out. I need to figure out the cost of the repair vs the cost of a new camera... more importantly both of these require money which requires a source of income which I currently don't have....
 so I'm going to go job hunting seriously on monday. I hate my life I really don't want to get a job.

1 comment:

BingoJimmy said...

Jobs suck arse. I'm afflicted with them like a disease - only idiots like doing something someone else tells them to do. Baaa! Baaaaa!