Thursday, November 20, 2008

Aura's 20111126

My death and dying professor coached us how to view auras today. He stood up and drew a spiral on the the chalk board. He said in his utmost deep voice, "stare at the center of spiral and focus as hard as you can while lifting up your hands to the side of your head to where you can barley see your palms in your peripheral vision." While I did I started feeling incredibly sleepy, my eyes were burning and i kept losing focus. While everyone else was seeing the spiral move and twist, and all i got was a burry figure of chalk. He pulled down the white screen behind him and said "Lets see if you can see my aura!" he stood in front of the screen and he instructed that we stare the same way above his head. I could barley focus and I was falling asleep .... I would see a light white and yellow glow around him and then I would lose focus. Everyone said they could see red, purple, green, black, blue and white as swirling around in some chaotic kaleidoscope and all i saw was a tiny bit of fuzz. He suddenly ducked out of the screen and ran off and everyone gasped, I was a little bit confused; yes the fuzz stayed behind but that always happens. I thought thats not an aura! Thats what happens if you stare at a color for too long ... Oh i really hope thats not it. If it is then its no longer magical, Here is what I saw take your pen or maker whatever have you and draw a medium size circle and fill it in. now stare at the circle without blinking for about 10 seconds and look away to a neutral background like white.
you should see something like this:
if its a black circle you should see a white one
red - green
blue- orange
purple - yellow
This is not an aura but this is what I saw when I looked at my teacher, I'm going to do some research and if this is an aura I'm going to be pissed....

20/11 11:26

1 comment:

Cameron said...

it's bullshit!


well I don't know, I'll keep trying but so far it doesn't do anything for me, Wooten is right!
